>>Access Bookmarks (7/13)
Current: "...These are separate to your dock items."
Update: "...These are separate from your dock items."
>>Access MASQ dVPN (9/13)
Current: "...you connect to MASQs premium..."
Correction: "...you connect to MASQ's premium..."
>>Control MASQ Connection (10/13)
Current: "Turn MASQ on/off, you can choose to...at the same time !"
Suggestion: "Turn MASQ on/off, and choose to...at the same time!"
>>Consume panel (11/13)
Current: "...exit country and more !"
Update: "...exit country and more!"
>>Serve panel (12/13)
Current: "...or set your dns servers!"
Update: "...or set your DNS servers!"
Windows 10
MASQ 0.9.5